Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section

The Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section (CEOS) is a section of the Criminal Division of the United States Department of Justice in charge of protecting the welfare of America's children and communities by enforcing federal criminal statutes relating to the exploitation of children and obscenity. Created in 1987, the section comprises approximately 15 attorneys who prosecute defendants who have violated federal child exploitation and obscenity laws and also assist the 93 United States Attorney Offices in investigations, trials, and appeals related to these offenses.

CEOS also has a number of Computer Forensic Specialist (CFS) within the High Technology Investigative Unit (HTIU) and, under the direction of a CEOS manager, they conduct online investigations and analysis of Internet technologies used to distribute obscene materials and child pornography. The CFS uses tools and investigative techniques to document web site contents, location, and other identifying information to produce concise and detailed reports. Under the supervision of a CEOS manager, conducts forensics analysis of seized computer systems, network servers, and other media to provide investigative and analytical support to prosecutors and other law enforcement personnel.

CFS's assist in implementing investigative initiatives to identify child pornography and adult obscenity offenses currently available over the Internet and help develop strategies for gathering evidence in Internet communications areas, including commercial web sites, electronic mail, Usenet newsgroups, Internet Relay Chat, instant messaging technologies, file servers, and peer to peer file sharing. CFS's also conduct and direct investigations of high technology crimes and provides technical advice to prosecutors and federal law enforcement agents.

They provide training to federal law enforcement agents, prosecutors and other audiences regarding how the Internet works; how to find evidence in the environment of the Internet, and other computer issues. At the request of other government agencies, CFS's conducts analysis of alleged criminal activity on the Internet to identify issues involved and the type of evidence that will be required for the criminal prosecution.

Programs of the CFS

External links